Dear Justin Timberlake, I am obsessed!

Every girl at some point in her life (usually around the age of 13-18), will briefly find herself obsessed with a entertainer/celebrity of some sort. In most cases, such as mine, that celeb is a part of a boy band. When *Nsync came out back in the mid 90’s I was in middle school and I fell in love with them. I saw them in concert a million times, I had the tshirts, the magazines, the books, the dolls (yes, the dolls), I knew every word to every song by heart, I knew every dance move to every song by heart, my walls were covered in pictures of *Nsync…I literally could not think of anything else. When Justin Timberlake decided to go solo, I was in my senior year of high school. I was ready to let go of my teenybopper ways. I never thought that Justin going solo would turn into a whole new era of obsession for me. Needless to say, it has. It has big time.

Well I am now 29 and I can honestly say my obsession is probably at its all time high right now. Justin has just finished his world tour for The 20/20 Experience (absolutely the best record he ever put out) which I have seen 4 times. I actually feel knots in my stomach because I don’t know when he will be back with more music. Maybe he won’t. Who knows? But if we are all lJT1ucky he will grace us with new music sometime in the near future.

Why am I so obsessed you ask? Well, in true Lost Girl fashion, I have compiled a list of the reasons why JT is the greatest entertainer of our time!

The music. The reason why Justin’s music speaks to so many people, guys and girls alike, of all different walks of life, is because his music is GOOD. His lyrics are good. The beats, the rhythms, everything about it is good. His albums are the kind that you can listen to from beginning to end without skipping over songs. That’s a rare thing to find these days. He is respected in all different genres of music; pop, hip hop, r&b, rap, country…I have heard one of his songs on each of these type of radio stations. That’s pretty rare these days. His voice is amazing. He doesn’t need autotune or any of that, he is naturally talented. He can and will sing his heart out every single time.

He entertains. Have you ever been to a JT concert? If you haven’t you are truly missing out. He will have you dancing on your feet the whole entire time. He puts on an amazing show! He performs so much of his music that he actually takes an intermission and comes back for a whole second set. How many entertainers do that these days? You usually see an opening act, they set up the stage, and then the person you paid to see sings for an hour/hour and a half tops. Not Justin. He hits the ground running and does not stop! The man can dance his ass off! Seriously. And every concert truly is an experience of its own.

He’s versatile. Like I said before, Justin is respected in so many different genres. His music cannjt4ot be placed into just one category, it stretches out across the board. Also, something that is unique about JT, every time he puts out a new album it has a TOTALLY different feel from the one before. I remember hearing each and every first single that he released from each and every album he put out. I said the same thing each time “this is so different then everything that is out right now, this is so different then the stuff he has done before”. To reinvent yourself over and over like he has truly takes an artist. Not only is he well respected in the music scene, he also is respected in the acting community. He has been in some major movies with some major actors and definitely holds his own.

He doesn’t take himself too seriously. Celebs these days. They can’t laugh at themselves. Most of them seem too serious. It’s super annoying. But Justin…I mean, you’ve seen him on SNL. The dude is hilarious! There’s a reason why him and Jimmy Fallon get along so well. They are both so hysterical that it just works! There are not too many entertainers that can step out of their comfort zone the way that he can. And every time he does he knocks it out of the park!

He is freaking gorgeous. Okay, so I know this shouldn’t matter but it’s just an added bonus. Justin is absolutely gorge! He has a sense of style, he is confident, and well…just look at him! I could die! It’s too bad he’s happily married. Sigh.

So thank you Mr. JT. Thank you for years of entertainment, thank you for years of obsession and I do hope there are many more to come. And thank you for looking the way that you do. Because well, it’s nice. Very nice.


Sweet Summertime

Oh hi guys! Sorry it’s been a while, a long while. I’ve had a busy few weeks. School ended (yay), I went to Mexico (double-yay), and I’ve just been bumming around summer style. Oh how I love summer. But with summer comes summer brain, which I totally have right now. My overactive brain has  s l o w e d  down big time, which means so has my blog. I know you all of you, all 27 of you who actually look at this blog, are bummed out so I promise to update more often now that I have some free time. See you all soon!

Chillin' with Rob in Mexico…a drink in my hand…typical

Chillin’ with Rob in Mexico (and a drink in my hand… how typical?!)

Pinterest is a girl’s best friend!

Ahh Pinterest. Takes up so much of my time and I love every second of it. My love affair with Pinterest began three years ago when a co-worker told me about this amazing website that I had to check out. I have been obsessed ever since! But why? What is so appealing about this website? Well, everything!

Pinterest is like the Sims where you can create your own little world and live in it. When I sign in and start pinning away, literally nothing in the world can pull my attention. For those 20 minutes (ehh 60 minutes plus…) my life is perfect. Well my Pinterest life at least. I have the nicest outfits, the best quotes, the most delicious recipes, and a wedding to die for. It’s funny because I’m actually getting married next year and I have it all planned out to a tee via Pinterest. How much of it is actually going to happen? Well probably about 25%. Let’s face it, who can actually afford a Pinterest wedding? But it’s nice to dream.

So thank you Pinterest! Thank you for being my best and biggest distraction. Thank you for continually inspiring me to believe that I actually can “do it myself” (even if I haven’t tried one DIY project that I have pinned). Thank you for letting me own Louboutin wedding shoes on your site (even if I’ll never have them in real life). Thank you for helping me build my perfectly organized dream home. Thank you so very much for helping me escape reality every once and awhile. I am your biggest fan and I hope you are around forever.

Happy pinning 🙂


Christian Louboutin Blush Pink Wedding Shoes – I could die!

Guys That Repel Women

Lately, for whatever reason, I have been getting hit on driving home from work, in bumper to bumper traffic, on the Belt Parkway.  This literally happens at least three times a week. I’ll look to my left out of pure boredom and see some guy staring at me. I’ll quickly look away, move up an inch or two and then out of the corner of my eye see that same guy waving and making kissing sounds. Umm, gross! Why on earth do these guys think that it’s a good idea to pick up women in traffic? Honestly. What do they think is going to happen? I’m going to be so impressed by their winking and cat-calling that I’m going to pull over and give them my number???  Get real boys! This is not a way to pick up women. First of all, I’m engaged. Second of all, even if I weren’t do you think that after a long day of work, when I’m sitting in a PARKING LOT of cars, I want to have to fight off guys hitting on me? Hell to the NO!

This reoccurring incident got me thinking about all the men out there who are hopeless and who are repelling women left and right without even knowing it. Fellas, take my advice, if you fall into any of these categories, you better change your ways if you ever want to take a girl home!

Five Guys That Repel Women 

1. The Sleeze-ball – This is the guy that waits in bars for the opportunity to use one of his many cheesy pick up lines on some poor girl. This is the guy that will beep at you when you are walking on the street. This is the guy that picks the most random, inopportune times (Brooklyn traffic jams) to hit on girls. When was the last time that a girl actually gave you her number amid a traffic jam on the BQE?! Oh, never?! Surprise, surprise.

2. The Frat Guy – You all know this guy. He’s the one that refuses to grow up. He’s the thirty year old still going out every weekend, getting wasted, pumping his fist, calling everyone “bro”, still believing that it’s actually a good look for him. Well, it’s not. At all. Frat guys were not cool in college, definitely not cool in your 30’s…bro!

3. The Asshole – Have you ever been out with a guy and you can just see into the darkness of their soul based on the way they treat others? For example, you go to dinner and this person will flip out on the waitress because she brought the wrong drink and then not leave a tip because of that one little mistake. Uggh, the worst. There is nothing more unattractive than someone who is just plain mean. Nobody wants to date a dick. Sorry buddy.

4. God’s Gift to Earth – This guy literally thinks that he is God’s gift to Earth. In fact, he might even refer to himself as a god, or the man, or some other tasteless nickname that gives him power over others. He thinks that he can beat anyone in anything. He thinks that he is smarter than everyone around him. He is arrogant and truly believes you are beneath him. Good luck finding someone who can match your awesomeness, almighty one!

5- The Nice Guy – This guy, well, he’s just too damn nice. Nice is a good thing of course but he’s so nice that it’s annoying. He’ll do anything you want to do, he’ll say anything you want him to say, he is ALWAYS available, he’ll completely change himself to match your personality. I feel bad for Nice Guy. He just can’t get out of his own way. I’ve seen it happen a million times. Guy gets girl. Guy smothers girl. Girl runs away and never comes back. You have to play the game Nice Guy! Girls love the chase. Don’t respond to her text right away, don’t tell her your schedule is wide open for the next year for her, BE YOUR OWN PERSON. You’ll get a great girl if you do and she’ll respect you a hell of a lot more. I can promise you that!

So that’s my list of the five types of guys that repel women. What do we think ladies? Is this list about right? And to my Belt Parkway stalkers…please let me just drive home in peace. Thank yuhhh!

Until next time,


So you started a blog?

Yes, yes I did.

This was the question that I was asked over and over again this weekend. And every single person that asked me seemed extremely surprised by this. My own sister, who probably knows me better than anyone in the world, replied when I told her “I didn’t know you were into that stuff”. Into that stuff. Like writing is some kind of drug she just found out I’ve been messing around with on the weekends. Yes, I am into that stuff. I always have enjoyed to write. I guess up until now, it’s been something that I do for me. That’s not to say I’m trying to make a career out of this. By no means do I think that I’m going to be able to quit my job because this blog will take off and make me rich. It’s just something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time. Because after being with middle schoolers all day, on the long (two hour) drive home from Brooklyn, I don’t want to listen to music. I don’t want to call my friends and put them on speaker and gossip. I just sit there in traffic, and I think. About everything. And every once and a while I say to myself “Hey Kristina, you should write this stuff down”. So that’s what this is. My thoughts turned into actual words on paper (or on screen).

The second question after the “You started a blog?” question was “So what’s it all about?”. Well, it seems from my blog research that I am breaking the one major rule of bloggging. Pick a topic and stick to it. Yeah, not so much gonna happen here. This blog is about everything! The same way Seinfeld was a show about nothing. This is a blog about everything. I’m not exactly sure which way that it will go so I don’t want to say too much, but I do have a vision for it. Some stories (My life is one big I Love Lucy episode). Some advice. Some rants. Some reviews. A lot of fun!

I’m new at all this so I’m sure that I will have to work out the kinks in the beginning but I think we can get through this together. So stick around and you will soon find out what it’s all about!

Until next time,


(By the way, totally coming up with a better send off line, I promise).


Hellooo world! Welcome to my brand new blog. Now, you may be wondering about the title of this blog and why I decided to name it “Lost Girl’s Guide to the World”, and the answer to that question is a bit complex. Try to follow along…

For most of my life I feel like a lost puppy trying to find her place in the world. I’m often questioning this world and wondering what’s it all about. I am constantly second guessing myself and my decisions in life. I have my Bachelor’s and Master’s degree (both in two totally different areas) and am still wondering if the career path I chose is right for me.

That being said, I have a lot of opinions, advice, and thoughts about MANY different topics. And for a girl who considers herself “lost”, I seem to have somewhat of a good head on my shoulders, as they say.

So, I invite you to join me on my journey through life. I hope to inspire you as much as possible but if nothing else, I hope to make you laugh, because to me, that is the MOST important thing in life.

Until next time,
